Teaching Material
We make use of different kinds of multi-sensory teaching materials for students to visualize and experience the trial and error process.

​Operations & Number Sense
Tricks in Calculations & Operations
Number Sense and Pattern
Modeling problems
Number Puzzles and Crytarithm
Working Forward & Backward
Multiples and Factors
Divisibility rules
General Topics​
Pattern Ordering
Queue Ordering
Age problems
Heads and Legs
Logic and Reasoning
Gain and Loss
Excess and Shortage
Ways & Routes
​Measurement, Geometry, Visual Math
Time & Date
Measurement & Unit conversions
Comparison & Equivalent Substitution
2D and 3D shapes
Perimeter & Area
Counting & Observation
Visuo-spatial Imagination
Advanced Topics
Distribution & Pigeonhole
Combinations & Permutations
Counting principles & Probability
Venn Diagram
Rate & Speed
Fractions & Proportional Reasoning
Drawing a Picture or Diagram
Using Model
Using Deduction
Elimination and Exclusion
Finding a Number Pattern
Finding a Geometric Pattern
Making an Organized List
Making a Table
Working Backwards

Visual representation and stimuli
A variety of Math Olympiad topics are introduced to young learners in a fun and visual way. Junior learners start from the basics and build math concepts foundation at the beginning. Our worksheets focus on using visual stimuli to help learners understand the concepts. Learners will find Math Olympiad topics interesting and different from what they normally learn at school.

Topic by Topic.
Step by Step.
Math Olympiad topics are introduced one by one in a series of worksheets. A specific type of problem is grouped together -- from simple to complex. Students will learn strategies to solve a particular type of problem in the class. With instruction and intensive practice, learners will be able to handle that particular type of problem skillfully in the future.

Play around with numbers
If you think that math is boring, you might have never been introduced to our Math In Action series. Play around with numbers like solving a puzzle! We boost students' ability to think fast, on their feet, and act it out.
You will find a lot of fun and challenges here. Like Number puzzles, Number patterns, Crytarihm, Sudoku, Guess what number I am ...and more!

Inspiration for creativity and imaginative thinking
Many educators neglect the visual aspect of math. In fact, visual math plays a great part in our daily lives and can be applied to many professional fields. We boost students' ability to observe, imagine, and create.
Concepts and skills
Counting and observation
Shape and geometric pattern
Symmetry, cutting and folding
Slide, turn and flip
Position and direction
Neighbor coloring
The Euler path

Numbers and Operations
Not having enough practice on basic operations? Being pushed away by numbers? Feeling uncomfortable and not confident enough?
This series is a booster for you.
In this series, you will learn and practice:
Digit and place value
Properties of numbers
Tricks in four operations
Fun Calculation and Difference Application
Multiples and factors
Divisibility rules and remainders
Multiple steps problem solving
Exponent and square root
Positives and negatives on a number line
Fractions and decimals
Ratio and Percentage
Basic statistics
Bases other than 10

Apply the knowledge and skills to the problems
A variety of Math Olympiad problems and conventional school curriculum problems are mixed and presented in the revision series. Intermediate learners have adequate math knowledge of their age and good reading skills to solve the problems. Learners will practice how to handle the problems by choosing a strategy skillfully and apply it to the problems.

It's time to take a challenge.
Advanced learners will start practicing more challenging problems that appear in national math contests and competitions. At this stage, learners should be familiar with the Math Olympiad topics and able to apply strategies and skills to different types of problems. Learners will practice sample questions from previous exams and competitions.
Not ready for the challenges? Here are more basic practices.

Additional but essential practice -- A solid foundation for the four operations helps boost the speed and accuracy for problem-solving. This series of workbook can help 1st and 2nd graders build a conceptual understanding of multiplication and division, fractions, and algebra.